viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011
viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011
Video of a mad turkey attacking a woman
This is clear proof that not all turkeys go down easily....LOL!!
viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011
Real Steel Sound profile
SoundWorks Collection - The Sound of Real Steel from Michael Coleman on Vimeo.
This kind of stuff never seizes to amaze me....
(via Soundworks Collection).
lunes, 4 de julio de 2011
First look at Mission Imposible: Ghost Protocol
This is supposed to be Tom Cruise's last feature as Ethan Hunt in the Mission Impossible franchise and it sure looks promising. According to reports, Jeremy Renner, who also stars in this film, is set to take over the franchise after this flick.
The Sound of Transformers: Dark of the Moon
SoundWorks Collection: The Sound of Transformers: Dark of the Moon from Michael Coleman on Vimeo.
Don't miss this really cool piece by the guys in Soundworks Collection on how they produced some of the audio effects for the number 1 movie in America. This is really awesome!
Transformers premiere and concert in Moscow
Now that's what I call a premiere and that's how you do it in Moscow.
Transformers destroys its human competition
Bautista tops 2011 MLB All-Star-Game votes
Rosters were unveiled for the July 12 All-Star Game at Phoenix's Chase Field on Sunday, and two things were made clear: The balloting process is bigger and more popular than ever, and the turnover from one year to the next can be quite significant as Bautista sets mark of a new record number of ballots cast.
lunes, 27 de junio de 2011
First look at Footloose
This is the first look at the remake of the 80's hit made famous by Kevin Bacon. After castings and re-castings they finally got a steady lead to finish this one. From what you see in this trailer, what can you tell us about this movie?
First look at Puss in Boots
The incredebly charismatic character from the Shrek franchise, voiced-over by spanish actor Antonio Banderas, now has his own branch outside of the Shrek world. From what we can see in this clip, the flick should be really entertaining.
domingo, 26 de junio de 2011
First look at Killer Elite
This action flick which casts Jason Statham, Clive Owen and Robert DeNiro looks very promising.
New trailer: Captain America
This is the latest trailer for the highly anticipated Marvel flick, Captain America. The movie looks really awesome....
Brief from Hollywood
-Christopher Merloni joins the cast of new Superman flick (could he be the next Lex Luthor?).
-Gabourey Sidibe tells it like it is to Chelsea Handler (white girls gone mad over big black guys edition).
Cars 2 premieres at the top of the box office
Odd news of the week
-Djokovic wants his pet poodle to join him at Wimbledon (come on man! What kind of a man's man has a poodle for a pet?)
-Jennifer Aniston gets a tattoo in memory of her late dog (it's surprising how even this kind of nonsense gets to be "news").
viernes, 10 de junio de 2011
What if life was like in social media?
This curious video touches the notion of what would life be if everything was like on social media. Interesting take on this one...
Odd news of the week
A blue lobster and a "terrible" alligator attack headline this week's odd news. Interesting piece by the guys in Yahoo!
The Internet era is now
An interesting story by CNN's Felicia Taylor reporting the growth of the Internet and how the Web has impacted the development of new business models across America. As the "Big Apple" celebrates New York Internet Week, many companies showcase what they have accomplished through the Internet and social media.
viernes, 22 de abril de 2011
Whatever happened to Chunk?
Ever wonder whatever happened to that kid that played Chunk in The Goonies? Well, the guys in Yahoo News did a little digging and actually found out what Jeff Cohen has been up to for the past 26 years.
sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011
First look at Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
The film's producers claim that this will the very best one of the entire franchise.
viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011
Daytime in No Time
An interesting take on the viral video and what many call "the worst song ever" by Rebecca Black and some of the other things that are going on in Hollywood right now.
A look into Rihanna's new house
Rihanna reveals some of the details about her 12-bedroom pad, Taylor Swift gets animated for the upcoming Dr. Seuss 3D movie and Lea Michele and Ashton Kutcher heat up the set of their new flick. Not a bad one from the guys at omg!
Brief from the Entertainment World
-Sandra Bullock donates 1 million to Japan.
-L.A.Reid will be one of the judges in The X-Factor.
-Billy Ray Cyrus calls of divorce (says he wants to save his family).
-The many girls in Berlusconi's track record (the man doesn't pick'em ugly).
-Ichiro donates 100 million yet for Japan.
- Darren Aronofsky pulls out of The Wolverine (all this while Hugh Jackman is still undergoing a 6,000 calorie diet).
-NBC will try to reboot Wonder Woman (I'm not sure about this one...what do you guys think?).
-A tour of Xtina's "little" pad.
-TV's Biggest Money Makers.
The baby that just went viral
This video of this baby getting scared from his own mother blowing her nose has gone viral on YouTube. The really funny thing is that this baby is getting scared and laughing at his mother at the same time, simply hilarious!!
Always be aware of your surroundings
As Henri Ducard preached to Bruce Wayne in his ninja training on the film Batman Begins, this is the kind of situation why "you always need to be aware of your surroundings". In this case in particular, if you are a reporter at least the camera guy should be able to give you a heads up shouldn't he? Wow!!
sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011
Dr. Dre is back
Dr. Dre feat. Eminem & Skylar Gray - I need a doctor
After a large hiatus, this is Dr. Dre's latest music video with his old pal Eminem. In this video we can finally see what he has been up to all these years: working out. The guy is buff! Dwayne Johnson better watch out...
viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011
Fighting against the snow
A group of friends in Rochester, NY realized a few days before Christmas Eve that there were a lot of specials at the malls because of the holidays. They weren't so motivated to go outside, but it's like they said: "you can't argue with a good sale". They went on their venture, led by Ruben, the owner of the car, but before they got to go the mall, they would to face one of the biggest and scariest "natural phenomenons": the results of a winter storm. It's quite amazing what people will do if they are really motivated isn't it?
Schools now use iPads as an educational tool
This is little survey that we did at the RIT campus where a few people gave us their opinion on what they thought about iPads being used as an educational tool in schools. This is what they had to say.
martes, 15 de febrero de 2011
Albert Pujols Career so far

This chart shows Albert Pujols' homerun trayectory over the past 10 years, as he continues to negotiate with the St. Louis Cardinals, who are trying to maintain him in the team before he becomes a free agent at the end of the year. This is the last season of his 7-year $100 million dollar contract and the Cardinals are doing their best to please Pujols with a good offer.

On this other chart, we can see Albert's RBI career totals, which demostrates that in all his 10 years in the big leagues he has gotten at least 30 HRs and 100 RBIs. This is an quite an achievement, even more considering that these are his first 10 years in the sport too.
domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011
Berlusconi faces new troubles
The italian prime minister can't catch a break these days and is now facing new prosecutors that want to put him on trial because of his alleged sexual crimes.
martes, 8 de febrero de 2011
One of the funniest commercials from Super Bowl 2011
I think Volkswagen paid George Lucas royalty gladly with this one. With half of America watching this, they really can't complain....
viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011
Wisin and Yandel make history once again

The Puerto Rican duo’s latest album Los Vaqueros: El Regreso has entered the Billboard 200.
Wisin and Yandel have come along way since the early 2000s and they have now become the most successful duo in the reggaeton genre. According to PRNewswire, in the past five years, Wisin & Yandel have accumulated an impressive record-breaking 11 Platinum Album Awards in the United States as well as 10 Platinum Album Awards and 8 Gold Album Awards across Latin America. They have also become the Latin leaders of the digital age, having surpassed 10 million digital music downloads world-wide, acquired more than 160 million "hits" on YouTube and becoming the #1 Latin Artist on MySpace and the #1 Latin Artist on Facebook (with more than five million fans).
jueves, 27 de enero de 2011
Jeff Jarvis exposed the new path of social media

Jeff Jarvis, the keynote speaker of the Social Media and Communication Symposium at RIT. (Photo extracted from
Jeff Jarvis' participation at RIT’s Social Media and Communication Symposium started at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday and immediately captured the attention of the audience when he began talking about the future of social media. The journalism professor at the City University of New York reflected on the new structure of social media and how public journalists have to be nowadays if they want to be known.
martes, 25 de enero de 2011
A piece of DR in Rochester
"A piece of Dominican Republic in Rochester is the title for this videostory that talks about a Dominican restaurant called El Sabor de la Isla that provides food services for RIT and the Hispanic community in Rochester, NY. This restaurant is located 1019 Norton St. in the city of Rochester.
lunes, 17 de enero de 2011
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Here's a little review of some of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's accomplishments in remembrance of his day of birth. Today is a great day reflect on the life and legacy of one of the best examples of humanity that history has shown. Long live Martin Luther King Jr.!!
There's nothing imposible
With this video we can appreciate how there's nothing impossible for men, that they put their heads into. This man has no hands and is still able to play the guitar with his bare feet. Let this be an example of why we shouldn't complain so much about "our little problems" and start appreciating all the things we take for granted.
Sports Today
Here's your daily fix of sports news for today. Blake Lewis and the Clippers were able to beat the Lakers, while Carmelo Anthony thinks he'll still be in Denver next week.
sábado, 15 de enero de 2011
Have a great weekend everyone!
Taio Cruz feat. Travie McCoy- Higher
Be sure to enjoy your long weekend, rest and do the things you normally don't get to do on your usual weekend. Remember to always pay it forward, see you next week!
The Asian Justin Timberlake
Although Seth Rogen claims that he is the Justin Timberlake of China, Jay Chau (who plays Kato in The Green Hornet) might say he's more of an Usher kinda guy. The things that this guy can do in this flick will try to make Bruce Lee look like Jackie Chan (at least that's what they claim) so I'm betting we can expect a lot of good fighting sequences. The movie itself appears to be pretty exciting. More details here...
viernes, 14 de enero de 2011
The road to the Golden Globes
This is a preview of all the accomodations that the stars will get for this weekend's Golden Globe Awards. Not bad at all....
Brief from Hollywood
-Seven Musicians will embarrass themselves for the next season of Celebrity Apprentice.
-ESPN's Erin Andrews signs deal with Reebok.
-Gwen Stefani becomes the new face of L'Oreal Paris.
-Piers Morgan wants nothing to do with Madonna.
-The "Asian Justin Timberlake" finally arrives to America with The Green Hornet.
-A.J. McLean goes back to rehab.
-Rihanna's new hairstyle.
-Spider-Man musical premiere swings further away.
-CBS express "big concern" for Charlie Sheen's misbehavior.
First look at the new Spider-Man

This is the first look of Andrew Garfield (The Social Network) as Spidey for the upcoming revamp of the Spider-Man franchise. Although he looks a whole lot more skinnier, Spidey's image goes along with the new direction that Marvel wants to take for their most popular character. More details here....
Related: Another peak of Captain America.
Curious news of the week
-McDonald's employee fired for letting Peterson use the restroom (not making this up).
-Sneak peek of Mark Zuckerberg's new house.
-McDonald's burgers are bigger in Japan (can you believe this?).
Another reason why you shouldn't fall asleep on a NY subway
The video itself is pretty self explanatory....LOL!!
jueves, 6 de enero de 2011
TV Daily Fix
Here's your daily fix of the best of TV from the guys at Yahoo's Daytime in No Time show. that Snooki is something else...
Sports Today
Roberto Alomar got elected to the Hall of Fame, Boston was able to get a huge win over San Antonio thanks to great job by Rondo and Jamal Crawford made another long shot.
miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011
The 15 most anticipated blockbusters of 2011

Sequels, new heroes and remakes are expected to hit the 2011 theatres. Thor, The Green Lanthern and Captain America are some of the new heroes but sequels from Pirates of the Caribbean, Transformers, Scream and The Hangover are definitely highly anticipated hits. Here's the full list with 15 of the biggest blockbusters for 2011...
Brief from Hollywood
-Snooki to cut back on booze to loose weight(yeah, we'll believe that when we see it...).
-Paula Abdul "lives to dance" as judge of new reality show.
-Justin Bieber wannabe gains internet attention (it's incredible how every kid out there is getting the "lesbian look" wow!).
-Lilo's new pad.
-J-Woww wows everybody with extravagant look(i can only say wow!).
Homeless man with golden radio voice
This guy's story is something else. Former radio announcer Ted Williams is now a homeless man looking for an extra dollar in the streets of Ohio thanks to drugs and alcohol. The man is looking for new opportunity for work in radio and my God he really has the talent for it. More details here...
They don't let Obama be
Sports Today
Here's your daily fix of sports from the Yahoo Sports Minute. The Heat keep ging strong....
martes, 4 de enero de 2011
The joys of winter
A group of friends in Rochester, NY realized a few days before Christmas Eve that there were a lot of specials at the malls because of the holidays. They weren't so motivated to go outside, but it's like they said: "you can't argue with a good sale". They went on their venture, led by Ruben, the owner of the car, but before they got to go the mall, they would to face one of the biggest and scariest "natural phenomenons": the results of a winter storm. It's quite amazing what people will do if they are really motivated isn't it?
lunes, 3 de enero de 2011
Sports Today
Here's a rundown of the top stories in the world of sports from the weekend. The Lakers struggle as they loose from Memphis and Steve Nash was perfect but his team wasn't.